Week 6

Fun with Food

This week’s theme is Fun With Food where we will uncover the science behind cooking and discover the 5 tastes. In this week’s module we will explore a variety of ways to cook and preserve food and experience flavours!

We hope you have fun this week diving deeper into how the recipes come together and take some time to work through our experiments and activities this week. When creating this weeks recipes, be sure to customize the recipes and make them your own! If you have any questions or concerns contact us at: summerlunchprograms@gmail.com

Scroll down to get started!

Learning Module


Plantain Puff Puffs

Butternut Squash Tacos

Don’t forget to take a photo and share it with us on Google Classroom!

Strawberry Tabouli Salad


WEEK 1 | WEEK 2 | WEEK 3 | WEEK 4 | WEEK 5 | WEEK 6 | WEEK 7 | WEEK 8

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